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NEZHA V2 Inventor Kit for micro:bit

133,10 tax included

Embark on a journey of creativity and learning with the Nezha V2 Inventor Kit for micro:bit fromElecfreaks. Inspire young minds with hands-on exploration, coding, and STEM education.

  • Planet X Sensor Integration: Harness the power of Planet X sensors for diverse project possibilities.
  • BBC micro:bit Compatibility: Specifically designed for use with the BBC micro:bit, a versatile programmable microcontroller.
  • Extensive Sensor Variety: Equipped with LED lights, potentiometers, soil moisture sensors, ultrasonic sensors, collision sensors, and more.
  • Over 400 Building Blocks: Explore creativity with a vast array of building blocks for diverse and imaginative inventions.
  • Enhanced Practical Skills: Promotes the development of practical skills, logical thinking, and problem-solving abilities in users.
  • 32 Thematic Cases: Delve into 32 thematic cases and extensions designed to stimulate creativity and imagination.
  • Educational Programming Focus: An ideal educational tool introducing children to programming, fostering a love for invention.
  • Versatile Learning Experience: Suitable for all ages, encouraging a hands-on approach to learning and exploration.
  • Universal Application: Ideal for students, educators, and anyone interested in IoT, coding, and scientific experimentation.
  • Fun of Invention: Provides an enjoyable and educational experience, allowing every user to experience the joy of invention.

Expect delivery within 2-5 business days after purchase.


Go on an educational journey like never before with theElecfreaks NEZHA V2 Inventor Kit, meticulosamente diseñado para inspirar a las mentes jóvenes en los ámbitos de STEM, programación y exploración práctica. 🌐🛠️

Libera el Potencial: 🌟

Enter a world of infinite possibilities where innovation knows no limits. The NEZHA V2 Inventor Kit is more than a collection of sensors; It is a catalyst for creativity and a gateway to the fascinating universe of micro:bit programming.

Integración Diversa de Sensores: 📡

Immerse yourself in a diverse landscape of sensors, including LED lights, potentiometers, soil moisture sensors, ultrasonic sensors, collision sensors and more. Each component is a building block for imaginative projects and experiments.

Más de 400 Bloques para Creaciones Ilimitadas: 🧱

With a repertoire of over 400 building blocks, this kit provides a canvas for every young inventor to paint their digital masterpiece. From LED displays to interactive projects, the possibilities are as vast as the imagination.

Programación Educativa en su Núcleo: 🎓💻

Designed with a focus on education, the NEZHA V2 kit aligns with the ethos of hands-on learning. It serves as a bridge to the world of coding and programming, offering a playful and engaging introduction to digital skills.

32 Casos Temáticos para un Aprendizaje Estructurado: 🗂️🚀

Structured but flexible, the kit has 32 thematic cases and extensions. Each case is a chapter in the learning journey, stimulating creativity, problem solving and logical thinking.

Adecuado para Todas las Edades: 👧👦

Whether you are a student, educator or a curious enthusiast, the NEZHA V2 kit suits all age groups. It is an inclusive tool that adjusts to various learning styles and preferences.

Eleva Habilidades Prácticas y Pensamiento Lógico: 🤔🛠️

Beyond coding, the NEZHA V2 Inventor Kit encourages practical skills and logical thinking. It is an investment in a child's future, laying the foundation for critical skills in the digital age.

Emprende un viaje transformador de exploración, creatividad e invención con el NEZHA V2 Inventor Kit de Elecfreaks. 🚀🌈 ¡Despierta la curiosidad, fomenta la innovación y convierte el aprendizaje en una emocionante aventura! 🎓🌟


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