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Cutebot Pro

50,82 tax included

The Cutebot Proby Elecfreaks is an improved programmable robot car, ideal for educational projects with micro:bit.

  • Precise movements:Thanks to its motors with encoder, it controls the distance and rotation angles accurately.
  • Advanced sensors:Equipped with a 4-way line tracking sensor, it identifies complex paths.
  • Versatile Expansion:More ports for servos, motors and sensors, allowing for more complex projects.
  • Improved interactivity:RGB lights and an infrared sensor add fun to activities.
  • Rechargeable battery:Includes a 2000 mA lithium battery, with 120 minutes of charging for long sessions of use.

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Cutebot Pro Elecfreaks: The Improved Educational Robot for micro

The Cutebot Pro by ElecfreaksIt is the improved version of the Cutebot robot. This programmable robot car offersgreater precision in movements, thanks to yourmotors with encoderand its most advanced navigation capabilities. It is ideal for educational projects withmicro:bit.

Cutebot Pro Main Features

🚗Motors with encoder for precise movements: Accurately controls the distance traveled and the turning angles, achieving straighter and more controlled movements.

🔧Advanced sensors: Includes a 4-way line tracking sensor, capable of identifying complex paths such as T-intersections or junctions.

⚙️More expansion ports: The Cutebot Pro incorporatesmore ports for servos, motors and sensors, allowing additional components to be added for more complex projects.

💡Interactive lights and sensors: Equipped withRGB headlights, RGB LEDsand an infrared sensor, providing a more interactive and fun experience.

🔋Lithium battery included: Comes with a rechargeable lithium battery that ensures long hours of use (2000 mA). Charging time is only 120 minutes.

Breakdown CutebotPro

Bigger, Faster and Better Performing

Compared to the standard model, theCutebot Prohas a bigger body,increased engine torqueand improved speed. Its tires are wider, which offers better grip and smoothness in movements.

Compatible with Bee-Bot and STEAM Projects

The Cutebot Pro ElecfreaksIt is ideal for small children as it can be programmed to advance in specific steps, like the robotBee Bot. This way, you can use the Bee-Bot mats and activities and adapt them so that students between 3 and 7 years old can work withmicro:bitin a simple way.

Cutebot ProCompatible with Lego and Beebot


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